Excited to share our Health & Safety workers of the month for July are...
Christchurch, Cameron Bradley - Fantastic attitude and takes H&S seriously
Dunedin, Felix Adler - Always takes safety precautions & isn’t afraid to ask questions
Queenstown, George Hedley - Utilising previous H&S training to stand out on site
Wellington, Franck Chauvin - Fantastic attitude always informs us with changes on site
Hawkes Bay, Eden (Josh) Nepia - Always H&S conscious and takes it seriously on sites.
Rotorua, Joseph Hippolite - Great worker, always H&S focused.
Tauranga, Wynand Fourie - For his commitment to H&S
Hamilton, Joshua Hart - Completed an ISAW form to report a hazard to keep our workers safe
South Auckland, James Gordon - Reported an incident where worker was struggling onsite.
Great feedback from client.
North Auckland, Aryn Wendt - For his commitment to H&S
West Auckland, Justin Li - Taking care of the other boys on site
Fantastic stuff team!
As always thanks for staying safe on site and making sure your workmates got home uninjured too