Struggling to navigate your way through all the NZ Trades & Construction jargon?
The team have come up with a list of common NZ terms and sayings and what they actually mean.
Chippy: builder
Sparky: electrician
Subbie: sub contractor
Brickie: bricklayer
Bro: close friend or mate, usually a male.
Eh: pronounced ‘ay’. Means similar to ‘don’t you agree?’
Ta: thank you shortened.
Yeah…nah: technically means no, but can also mean maybe
Sweet as: cool, awesome or no problem.
Good as gold: everything is good
Kia ora: Hi!
Barbie: barbecue
Beaut or beauty: great/fantastic
Bloke: man
Choice: pleased with something
Crack up: funny
Cuppa: tea or coffee
Flat out: very busy
Hard yakka: hard work
Knackered: tired
She’ll be right: it will be ok
Sickie: sick day
Smoko: morning or afternoon break
Stoked: very pleased
Wop-wops: middle of nowhere
Fill your boots: go for it
Get your skates on: Hurry up