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Are you thinking about changing jobs these holidays?
As the end of the year approaches, you might be also be nearing the end of a contract. Or perhaps you're in a long-term position, but thinking that it's time for something different. Either way, the Christmas break offers an opportunity to look at a change in employment. So what's the best way to go about changing jobs over the holiday period?
According to Statistics New Zealand, we most commonly spend one to three months in a job. While part of that comes from short-term contracts and temp work, it also shows how comfortable we are shifting between positions. If you're thinking it's time you changed roles, this holiday might be a good time totake the first steps.
It's better to apply for a new job in January rather than December.
How to make the most of the holiday period
Forbes says that if you're looking to change jobs over the holiday break then it's better to do it in January rather than December. There's less hiring going on at the end of the year, as companies are busy wrapping everything up before they go away for the holidays. When they come back in January they'll bemore interested in taking on staffas they get stuck in to the new year's projects.
For people in the construction industry, Immigration New Zealand points out that it's worth remembering some construction sites close down for a set period over the holidays (although there are plenty of jobs that carry on through).
The Guardian recommends waiting until January to send out applications, but this doesn't mean that you can't do anything productive beforehand. Use the time to make sure your CV is up to date and looking good. The various social occasions that happen over the holidays could be opportunities to network and investigate possible job opportunities.
The break also gives you an opportunity to pause and take stock. So often we leap straight from one job into another, but making this change over the holiday season gives you a chance to sit back and think about what it is you want from your work, and where to go to find it. Then when things start back up in January you can leap into the job hunt with more focus and drive.
Things to consider
Careers NZ suggests that when you're considering a change of career you should think about the following:
What you want from a new job.
Do you want a bigger challenge? Or is it that you want to do work more in line with your beliefs and values? Perhaps you need a job that works around your family or other commitments.
Whether you want to change industries.
You might be happy with the kind of work you're doing and just want to do it for another company. But perhaps you're looking at finding another type of role altogether? If this is the case you'll need to look into what's required to work in this new industry, and if you need new qualifications or upskilling.
Permanent versus temporary work.
Long or short-term contracts have quite different aspects, so it's worth thinking about what each has to offer – and what effects they might have on your financial situation.
What you stand to lose.
While you may be unsatisfied in your current job, that doesn't mean it doesn't have its good points. Are there things about this job that you're unwilling to lose, or that you'll need a new job to match?
Tradestaff offers placements in a wide range of roles and industries. Whether you're looking to change career or just want a different job in the same field, we can help you find a temporary or permanent position that suits you. Please get in touch if you'd like to know more, and have a very happy holidays from all of us here at Tradestaff.