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Searching for a job can be a daunting task. You need to put together an appealing CV, write a stellar cover letter and hopefully attract the right employers to call you in for an interview. And then there is the interview itself to worry about – what do you wear? What questions will they ask? Is there a right or wrong way to respond?
Tradestaff has 20 years of experience helping job seekers find jobs that suit their unique needs. As such, we know quite a bit about how to make yourself more appealing to employers. Let's take a look at some quick tips for improving your prospects from the start.
Stage one: The prep work
Improving your job prospects starts long before you even get your foot in the door for an interview. You need to do a fair bit of prep work to make sure you are not only marketable as a professional but that you are flagging down the right jobs to begin with.
Optimise your search:When you're looking for a job, it can be easy to get wrapped up in the race to find a position. But you want more than just a job, you want a job that aligns with your skill set and professional aspirations. This is why it's important to take the time to decide what you want out of a position. Try making a list of the top five things you are looking for in a job and then stick to that criteria when looking for a position.
Customise your CV and cover letter:Once you've pinpointed some of the jobs you want to apply for, start crafting CVs and cover letters that reflect key company priorities. This is of particular importance in your cover letter. Read the company's job description in detail and incorporate elements of what they are looking for into your description of yourself. Are they looking for ambition and forward-thinking employees? Make sure your cover letter explains how you would do just that.
Now that you have your CV and cover letter content down, it's time to get creative.
Get creative:Now that you have your CV and cover letter content down, it's time to get creative. Recruiters go through hundreds of applications every day. Adding a little spice to your CV can help you stand out in a sea of uniform resumes. Whether it's designing your resume with a more appealing layout or showcasing your work experience in a story format – getting creative may help your chances of getting an interview.
Improve your social presence:In the modern recruitment process, social media plays an important role. Recruiters often check social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn to scope out a candidate before an interview. Before applying for jobs make sure to comb through your social media presence and eliminate any questionable content. When it comes to more professional sites, consider optimising your profile for SEO. Add industry keywords and beef up your descriptions. At the very least, make sure your job experiences are up-to-date and detailed.
Stage two: The interview
So, your spruced up CV and killer social presence landed you some interviews. Now it's time to make sure you're ready to nail your face-to-face audition. Interviews are your chance to show off your personality and prove your skills. Here are a couple of tips for shining during your interview:
1. Do your prep work:The prep work isn't over just yet. Before you go into the interview you should take the time to research the company's core missions and values. Decide which ones you most resonate with and be prepared to mention some examples of how you have demonstrated them in the past. It would also be useful to brainstorm some answers to the most common interview questions beforehand. Have some strengths and weaknesses lined up and be sure to nail down some concrete reasons why you want this position.
2. Really listen and really answer:It may sound obvious but in any interview you want to make sure you are really listening to what the interviewer is saying and responding accordingly. This can be problematic when interviewers ask about weaknesses or failures. While it may be tempting to quickly respond with "I have no weaknesses," this isn't really what the interviewer asked – you want to respond with concrete flaws.
Stage three: The waiting game
You've nailed the interview and dazzled your potential employers. Make sure to send out a quick follow up email expressing your continued interest in the position and thanking your interviewer for their time. After your press send, all there's left to do is wait.
It's no secret that searching for a job can be a stressful process. Thankfully, Tradestaff is here to help. Our extensive experience working with jobseekers and employers alike allows us to give our clients valuable insights into what it takes to land the perfect job. Interested in learning more? Contact one of our TradeStaff reps today!