Tradestaff Health & Safety workers of the month for December are...
Leon Chen – South Auckland, Absolute superstar – Great feedback from client – Always keen to take any work available
Darren Pidwell – Dunedin, Darren takes all the necessary precautions to keep himself and his workmates out of the way of danger
Cecil Compain – Rotorua, Great around Health and Safety, always ensures others onsite follow site procedures, client feedback is always positive.
Hemi Hokianga – Hawkes Bay, Hemi is health and safety conscious and cares about his safety and others onsite.
Julien Hellmich – West Auckland, Always aware of Health and Safety during night shifts and weekend work.
Tafara Muchakwa – North Shore, Whenever any health and safety matters arise she communicates well with the branch.
Taylor Grieve – Queenstown, Excellent feedback on her initiative in keeping safe from Civil, Traffic Control, Landscaping and Construction Sites.
Andrew Flavell – Christchurch, Our client has recoginised Andrew for his compliance with Health and Safety, stating that he has proven to be a key person on site for managing critical exclusion zones and keeping the site tidy.
James Ford – Wellington, Never misses a days work, always communicating with the branch, ensures he has the correct PPE.
Wesley James – Hamilton, Great attitude towards health and safety – always excellent feedback on his workmanship.
Nikora Bidois – Tauranga, Good communicator, very health and safety conscious.
Fantastic stuff team. We hope you enjoy your $100 voucher for being nominated this month!